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Below is a brief registry of helpful literature to anyone seeking to pursue any related endeavors to the following fields:

Production, DJing, Interface Design, Coordination, Mixing, and Composition.

The top line of each box is the article's source and the title of the article is a link. Each listing has a brief synopsis of the article.

Sound on Sound
'Warping 101 in Ableton'

When DJing in Live, beat-matching is not a requisite skill. However, changing tempi and setting your tracks to line up with the right vibe is still tremendously important.


Sound on Sound gives a great, in-depth overview of how this is accomplished in Live 9 and these skills are also easily translated to editing recordings without having to cut stems into pieces.

A step-by-step, simple, and concise tutorial for cleaning up your session for live performance and creating custom effect racks.


Great for beginners that are unfamiliar with general capabilities of Ableton Live.

Sound on Sound
'Djing in Ableton Live'

If you're not DJing with Traktor, Serrato, Virtual DJ, or any software specifically for that purpose, Live is an excellent alternative and provides universal MIDI compatability for controllers. This article covers only the essentials of getting started with DJing in Live. Unfortunately, the article is in the context of Live 8 and, consequently, some features have been updated (though, this shouldn't be a total deterrant).

Another great tutorial from Lenny Kisner covering a very powerful audio effect combination with several applications in live performance.


Well-suited as a follow-up to the article to the left of this one.

Combining similar audio effects as the Pitch Build, above, Dubspot provides a great tutorial for how to create a 'washout' transition to bring in slower tempo'd tracks.


No associated article; Beatport is just a great resource for discovering new tracks, getting track info (such as BPM and key), and even downloading/purchasing tracks.

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